Build, Systemize, and Automate your Short-term rental (Airbnb) Management and Co-hosting business in 90 days or less!

Everything you need to know on building a sustainable and thriving STR & Co-Hosting Management business from scratch!

Are you ready to take your next vacay in your dream destination while earning $$$?


Do you want to learn how you can make consistent 5-figures/month through STR's without overworking yourself?

Perhaps you're here because you're thinking you can do this as a side gig to help pay up the bills?

Or You want to walk away from a life of slaving yourself to work to make ends meet and actually provide a better life for yourself and your family...

You want a life of freedom, fulfillment, wealth and abundance...


The thought of leases, low funds, and not owning property stop you from building the life you want?

Perhaps you are thinking, "what are the risks?"

You peep in the window of opportunity but you're too afraid step into it because the fear of not knowing makes you sick,

Because in your mind “I know Airbnb works, but how does it work?”

If so...

You're home, love!

Tell me more!

What if I tell you I can help figure out what's inside (the possibilities, the stages, and the things you need to do) the window of opportunity for Short-term rental management business aka Airbnb?  that I can actually get you all the pieces that you need, put you in the starting line, and guide your through your entire journey.


You know what, my first year as a Short-term rental manager, I was so excited - I just dove into whatever resources I could find because I had a mentor that only taught me the basics, and I just want this so badly that I just had to be more resourceful!  

But you know the feeling when you’re starting something and you just wanted to make it right?

Go big or Go Home as they say – That’s me! 

I know I couldn’t make it perfect but I know I could have a plan and make it work!

*Some corporate bearing I still have which I thank my years of service for!*

So I did everything I could to get my hands to resources (paid or not!) to make sure that I am ready to start and scale my business!

Months later I was working 10-hours a week and earning 5-figures consistently because I have created everything that I needed and wish I had that when I was starting out!

Hard work really pays off! And having a system to do it efficiently is the only option for success! 

Now, I'm done working my ass off - I started working smarter and not harder, and start earning more! 

And that is something that I want for you as well.

I want that!

The birth of "The BNB Management Blueprint"

Live Free with Airbnb group program


An in-person program that teaches women the essentials, habits, and mindset of becoming a STR (Airbnb) manager!

BNB Fast Track


For women involved in Rental Arbitrage or Ownership of their own short-term rental looking to add management as another stream of income.

My two programs that have 50+ women enrolled in them and produced countless of success stories and results for the women inside...

...paved way for the birth of The BNB Management Blueprint.


A program that is built by all the learning and feedback from my one-on-one mentorships and group programs in the past 2 years.

Put together with only one goal in mind — empower and equip any aspiring Short-term rental managers and Co-hosts to build the right foundation and setup their business for success at any given time!



PLUS never before heard lessons on permits and regulations, identifying your ideal client and using that as your leverage to offer your service as a no-brainer, and lessons on multiple streams of income as Short-term rental (Airbnb) Manager & Co-host, and Business growth plan!

Everything you need to learn to build a thriving Short-term Rental (Airbnb) Management & Co-Hosting business without the guessing game, exhaustion, and overwhelm even if you don't have an experience and business background at all!




I'm Amanda, I'm your ex-corporate sucker turned entrepreneur — I'm your partner in success and Airbnb bestie!


2 years ago, I wouldn't know what to do with life or if I may say - how to escape it? 

You just want that day where you feel energized to get up in the morning instead of dragging your ass out for work, right? 

So, I did what most people wouldn't think of doing! Look for other ways to live my life at my own terms!


You can now have consistent 5-figure months while sitting in the country of your dreams drinking margaritas, without feeling sorry for working a fraction of a 40-hour work week!

Imagine not having to wait until 60 to retire.

Imagine not having to wait until retirement to do the things that excites you and your passionate about!

(Not to mention that when you’re 60 it’s might be a bit hard to start scuba diving, riding an ATV, working on missions at the mountains, and almost anything that requires physical strength)

Imagine going out on weekdays and non-holidays for an undisturbed vacation with your family,

Imagine not missing out dinners, family occasions, holidays, and playdates…

 Just imagine a life where you can be anywhere, work with homes everywhere, and earn $$$ anytime!

 Imagine having a fulfilled life at…


This is me!

A well-guided virtual program that has everything you need to become a thriving short-term rental manager  — anywhere, anytime!


 What do you get from this program?

Self-paced Virtual Lessons

All the things that you need to know from setting up, building, and sustaining a thriving STR Management business. From the actual business setup up to how to close clients, and become a 5-star host!

Proven Resources

You don't have to look elsewhere!  – contracts, handbooks, systems, service guides, business assets that is necessary for doing this kind of business ARE INCLUDED!


Progressive and guided action steps to help you apply all the new information and resources that you will be able to get. Making sure that there will be results from this program and that you'll continuously grow!

Mindset Exercises

Unlock you potential and learn how you can manage your everyday as an entrepreneur!

Know the secrets of the most successful business owners — their mindset, and the ability to have the same!

Private Facebook Community


This is where all the magic happens!

It takes a community to raise successful entrepreneurs! — Meet people who have the same vision and goals as yours (those who will unconditionally support, uplift, and hold you accountable).

A community built to embody empowerment, belongingness, and celebrate victories together! 

“No one shall ever left behind.”

Learn more about this

Revenue and Business Growth Plan


Never before heard lessons on multiple income streams as STR (Airbnb) Manager without having to add homes!

Never run dry with your business with your own Business Growth Plan!




A guest coach's lesson on mindset and energetics!



Discover the importance of your energy and how you can achieve optimal success through managing yours! Know how the big players in the business field is staying on top of their games through simple mindset hacks.



20 Modules, One Goal — To make you a Superstar STR (Airbnb) Manager!
Dozens of hours of virtual education.
30+ Downloadable resources; templates, scripts, guides, visuals, your contract, and more!

Establishing Your WHY

Get clarity about your WHY and the mindset you will embody throughout this course and the rest of your entrepreneurial journey.

Contracts & Business Foundations

Learn the importance of setting up your business and how to be a PRO about it! Plus, an attourney-proof Management Contract Template is included for you ($850 value).

Permits & Regulations

Know why Regulations (and HOAs) could be your bestie! How you can leverage them in your favor and even work with and around them.

Your Services and Fees

Determine what are the services you will offer, what you won’t offer, and what you will charge for your services. 

Cohosting Vs. Hosting

Learn the difference about Hosting and Co-Hosting and how you can utilize both!

Your Ideal Client and Client Pitches

Identifying your 7 ideal clients, their problem, and the solutions you and your services bring to them!

Branding and Credibility

How to establish your branding and credibility. Plus, bonus website creation tutorials from Wix and Canva from marketing experts!

Networking & Relationship Building

Discover the secret to a never-ending clientele list and how to make your own power partners in your business! Plus, scripts and guides are included!

Profit Analysis and Projections

Learn the power of using data to your advantage. Running the numbers like a pro and impressing your clients.

Furnishings and Staging

Learn the ins and outs of setting up a property for success, how to stand out from the competition, and solidify your 5-star reviews. 

Plus, how to turn this its own lucrative income stream!

Homeowner Consultations

Step-by-step guidance for your homeowner consultations from that first phone call all the way through to signing that contract. Plus, mockup consultation outlines, scripts, and follow up documents included.!

Mindset Breakthrough Interview

Overcoming your mental setbacks, understanding your nervous system to develop self-awareness, and beating the emotions that will keep you in your comfort zone, to truly change your life!

Creating Your Portfolio and Reputation

Discover how to build an impressive reputation from Day #1 and when to say NO to potential clients.

Cleaning Crews & Best Practices

A pillar to success in the short-term rental business – learn how to hire, schedule, manage, and use your relationships with your cleaners to your advantage to be hands off in your biz!

Includes 5-Star Cleaning Packet.

Maintenance Procedures and Policies

Learn about how to facilitate any maintenance needs and build procedures and policies within your partnerships so that this is completely stress free! 

Payouts, Revenue Tracking, & Getting Paid

Simplify the payouts process, how YOU get paid, who pays taxes, and creating organized Revenue Trackers.

Tips to Stay Organized Before Hiring a bookkeeper (written from a professional bookkeeper).

Creating a 5-Star Listing

Step-by-step creation of a 5-star listing - what's important and what needs to be included.

Vetting Guests & Guest Communications

How to properly communicate with Guests, set boundaries and expectations up front, and weed out those bad apples!
PLUS how to properly handle complaints to keep those 5-star reviews!

Creating Pricing Strategies

Frameworks on pricing strategies. How you can make the most revenue for any season at any location (in a hands-off way!)

Thoughtful Touches and Retention

Ways to be creative and have fun in your business! Create sentimental first impressions and make guests always want to book with you.

BONUS: Multiple Streams of Income & Growth Plan

Different offers you can add to your services and add $$ to your pocket without adding more homes.


...All laid out to give you everything that you need from building, sustaining and automating your STR Management Business without a hinch!

No hidden info! No more guessing game! No more what if’s.

Become an expert in the Short-term Rental Management and Co-Hosting business

This program will provide you...

  • An attorney created contract template for your business
  • Virtual lessons that give you knowledge on the in's and out's of starting your STR and Co-Hosting Management Business
  • Step-by-step guided of action step you can implement to setup and sustain your business without the risks
  • How you can talk about your STR Management business  and actually do it in confidence even if you have NO EXPERIENCE
  • The Secret of finding your Ideal clients or better yet how they find you like a no-brainer!
  • How you can fit profitably into any Short-term rental & Co-Hosting platform!
  • Systems and resources that will allow you to automate and prepare you to go on full scale for your business
  • Pre-written resources and templates for your use in your own business
  • Worksheets that will keep you moving towards your goal, and mindset exercises that will help you stay on top of your game!

Investment Options

Option 1: Full Payment

(Biggest savings!)

Enroll now

Option 2:Ā Payment Plan


3 monthly installments ofĀ $699
Enroll now

Option 3:Ā Payment Plan

6Ā monthly installments ofĀ $399
Enroll now

A self-paced virtual program built by proven frameworks, guides, and working systems for your STR Management Business!


Discover how you can truly live a life of freedom, wealth and abundance through STR (Airbnb) Management business without risking your life savings, or dragging your ass to work 12 hours a day!
Meet Erica, one of our program enrollees!




But wait... There's more!

When you join The BNB Management Blueprint...

You will be given either FREE or half the price access to all bootcamps I will heldĀ ā€” all gearing towards making you a successful entrepreneur and get your management business up and running like a well-oiled machine,Ā next year (2024)!

I don't want to sound like overpromoting but we are having PLANS on how we can make our exclusive community more value-giving, and exciting!


 Join the 100+ thriving Airbnb Managers in creating a life of freedom and fulfillment through Management/Co-hosting business!

What's inside our Private FB Community?

Your one chance to turn your life around, and create wealth and freedom like these women!

Meet Gail, one of our program enrollees


Get all the things you need to get your Short term rental management & Co-Hosting business up and running inside "The BNB Management Blueprint"


"There's no best time to start than now. Reclaim the life you deserve to live!" - AF